Radon Testing | Radon Mitigation |  MD VA DC | 240-224-0577
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1 out of 15 homes have High Radon level

Certified Radon Testing and Mitigation services in MD, VA, DC


Are you thinking of buying a radon fan? Finding the right one for your home can be tricky: after all, it’s not like shopping for new shoes! You may think that depressurizing with soil will solve your radon problem – but without specialized pressure field extension testing by professionals, even proper sizing is out of question. That’s because when it comes to mitigation systems there are just too many variables at play: from duct size and wattage or amperage needed depending on the level of Radon present in the atmosphere to understanding how different soils interact with fans using 3″ PVC or 4″. It truly is a complex process!

Do you find yourself wondering how to estimate the airflow of your fan? Well, look no further! The ‘fan curve’ is here to help – think milkshakes and beer bongs for an easier understanding. It’s a way of figuring out the current CFM (cubic feet per minute) in each unique configuration by measuring pressure with something called a manometer or micromanometers. Don’t fear these intimidating words; all it takes is some calculations using charts provided by manufacturers and voila! You can now get precise readings that may leave even college grads amazed.

Want to make sure you’re getting rid of your radon problem? Pressure Field Extension Testing is the key. That said, many pros avoid this costlier approach in favor of “poke and hope” tactics with a corresponding guarantee. But if you want to save some energy (and cash) in the long-run – ask your licensed mitigator about PFE testing for figuring out optimal sizing on that fan installation! And don’t forget – PFEDK has heaps of helpful video resources when it comes down to understanding all those specific details around pressure field extension tests.

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