How to Test Radon Gas?
There are two types of radon tests used for residential testing. The licensed radon measurement professionals usually use an “Active” radon test devices . Homeowner typically use a “Passive” test also called a self-test or DIY Radon test kit .
A certified professional radon measurement technician will assess the property layout then install a Continuous Radon Monitor which is an active test device that will precisely test radon gas levels during the test period.
Radon test is conducted during “closed building” conditions in order to accurately capture radon levels. The continuous radon monitor equipment can yield precise results in as little as 48 hours.

Alfa Air Agency uses for radon testing State and Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approved devices. The National Radon Proficiency Program has a List of approved radon testing devices

You can use not electrically powered passive devices to periodically test for radon gas concentrations during different seasons of the year. Simply leave open DIY test kit for several days in your home, then seal it, package and express mail to a laboratory for results. However, depending on the configuration of the home (existence of crawl space, basements, sub-basements, etc.) you might need to use multiple test kits.
Passive tests are less reliable in comparerasment with active testing for a variety of reasons including improper placement, movement, household activity (windows and doors opening and closing, etc.). Also, DIY radon test kits samples are very time sensitive. You must ship the sampling vials within 3-4 days, otherwise they can be analyzed by the lab technicians. For example. if you have shipped samples with delay, 8 days old. After that, you will get only an estimated result. After 11 days, NO result will be provided . Samples are no longer valid and the homeowner must re-test and buy new DIY radon test kits.
If time is of the essences, a professional test is the best option and offers the most accurate results.

Professional radon testing with CRM radon monitor is the preferred and more accurate method for real estate transactions from all available radon testing types . Book appointment with Alfa Air Agency for Radon Testing