Radon Testing Montgomery County MD
Radon Testing in Montgomery county MD is highly recommended by EPA. Montgomery county MD is located in RED ZONE 1. Radon levels are high due to geological structure of the soil. Unfortunately, in Maryland there are lots of radium and uranium elements in the ground. Radon is naturally occurs during uranium breakdown in soil and rocks.
Americans are spending more time at home because of COVID-19, increasing their risk from exposure to radioactive radon gas. Many of us have moved to the basement home office during the pandemic and telework policy. By doing so we endanger ourselves more then ever. Radon gas is 7.5 times heavier than air, that’s why it specifically accumulates in basements. Radon does not have taste or smell. Its invisible radioactive killer, causing lunge cancer. Now, more than ever, its important to test your home for radon . Certified measurement radioactive radon professionals can help homeowners with Radon testing in Montgomery county Maryland . Alfa Air Agency team is a NRPP certified radon measurement provider. We can conduct a short-term 48 hours radon test in your basement and provide you with a peace of mind. Radon gas can be affectively mitigated if found in your basement.
You are always more then welcome to reach out to us with questions about Radon Testing in Montgomery county Maryland.
Who must perform the radon test when bung/selling house?
Either the seller or buyer can order
radon testing. It will provide another point of negotiation in the purchase
contract. If the seller offers the buyer the opportunity to do the test, and
the buyer chooses not to, the seller must perform the test to meet the
statutory requirement that a test be performed.
Where does the law apply?
November 17, 2015. It is is codified as Section 40-13C of the Montgomery County
Code and got effective as of October 1, 2016. The Montgomery county law is
requiring Radon Testing prior to the sale of single-family homes is complete.
However, not earlier than one year prior to the settlement date , regardless of
whether it is the initial or resale of the home. The radon testing requirement
applies throughout Montgomery County, except in the
Town of Barnesville, the City of Rockville, the Town of Kensington, and the
Town of Poolesville.
Why Montgomery county MD has Radon Testing Law
Montgomery County, MD has high levels of radon in the soil. Therefore, every
home in Montgomery County should be tested for radon. Montgomery County, MD has
been designated as a Zone 1 area. In other words, there is a predicted average
radon level at or above the EPA’s 4.0 pico-Curies per liter (pCi/L) action
level. (pCi/L is a measure of the amount of radioactivity in a known quantity of air.)
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has worked
with state and federal geologists to develop maps which predict the
potential indoor radon levels for every county in the United States. Zone 1 is
the area with the highest potential radon level; those with the lowest comprise Zone 3.

Quick Fact:
The best time to conduct radon testing is during cold season, when the heating system is operational. Radon gas vary from season to season. However, radon testers find the highest radon levels during winter. People seal their homes to save on electrical bills and don’t let the heat to escape. During cold weather indoor air is warmer then surrounding soil, which tends to pull radon gas inside. For these reason, its best to perform a radon test in Montgomery county without delay to get the best picture of radon levels inside your basement.
Book a Radon Test appointment Online Click HERE with Alfa Air Agency