Radon Testing in Real Estate Transactions: Radon Inspection Contingency
Radon Testing Requirements for Buyers and Sellers due to radon inspection contingency
The State of Maryland, Montgomery County Sales Contract has Radon Inspection Contingency you should be familiar with if you are buying or selling a home in Maryland .

As of January 2018, the Maryland Radon Awareness Act requires disclosure of all radon test results to potential buyers. You can hire a professional radon measurement company like Alfa Air Agency Radon Testing. It will help you to avoid unexpected surprises associated with radon test contingency.
Radon Testing Guidelines for Real Estate Transactions
Because of the unique nature of real estate transactions, involving multiple parties and financial interests, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) designed special protocols for radon testing in real estate transactions. It is not in the best interest of the buyer or seller to rely on a DIY radon test kits. Sucn test can be void and re-test will required.
Alfa Air Agency Radon Testing is a licensed radon testing company. We understand the the requirements associated with radon and real estate transactions in Maryland and DC metropolitan area.We offer Continuous Radon Monitoring tests and follow all State govern required criteria to ensure fast and accurate results.
Alfa Air Agency uses SunNuclear Continuous Radon monitors. These devices record real-time continuous measurements of radon gas. Air is either pumped or diffuses into a counting chamber. The counting chamber is typically a scintillation cell or ionization chamber. Scintillation counts are processed by electronics . Radon concentrations for predetermined intervals are stored in the instrument’s memory or transmitted directly to a printer.

Radon test results are often available in as little as 24 hours after collecting the monitoring equipment. For more complex building environments, test results may be extended by a few days.
RADON INSPECTION CONTINGENCY: The Contract is contingent until 6 p.m. on the Day after the Date of Ratification (“Deadline”) to allow Buyer, at Buyer’s discretion and expense, to have the Property inspected for the presence of radon by a testing firm listed with the National Radon Safety Board (“NRSB”) or the National Environmental Health Association (“NEHA”) using a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) approved testing method. Testing and retesting devices, if applicable, will be placed and retrieved by an NRSB or NEHA-listed technician or their authorized subcontractor. This contingency will terminate at the Deadline unless by the Deadline. Buyer Delivers to Seller a copy of the radon testing report. It confirms the presence of radon that equals or exceeds the action level established by the EPA together with either A or B.
Buying or selling a home can be stressful. Closing delays are the last thing anyone involve wants. If your closing is in jeopardy due to radon test results, we can help get you back on track fast.
If you are in time sensitive sales transaction, let us know. We can expedite your test and keep your closing process moving along! You can call or schedule your test online.