Radon Testing | Radon Mitigation |  MD VA DC | 240-224-0577
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1 out of 15 homes have High Radon level

Certified Radon Testing and Mitigation services in MD, VA, DC

Welcome to Alfa Air Agency: Your Trusted Radon Testing Service

Ensuring Safety and Compliance for Rental Properties

At Alfa Air Agency, we specialize in providing comprehensive radon testing services for rental properties. With new regulations mandating radon testing for both multifamily and single-family rental units, it’s more important than ever to ensure your property is safe and compliant.

Why Radon Testing is Essential

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into buildings from the ground. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon can significantly increase the risk of lung cancer. According to the EPA, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. In high-risk areas like Montgomery County, where radon levels are among the highest in Maryland, testing is the only effective way to detect radon and mitigate its risks.

Our Services

  • Professional Radon Testing: We provide certified radon testing services for all types of rental properties, ensuring accurate and reliable results. Our team uses NRPP approved equipment to detect radon levels in your property.
  • Compliance with Regulations: As of July 2023, landlords in Montgomery County are required to conduct radon tests before leasing units. We help landlords comply with these regulations by providing timely and thorough testing services.
  • Radon Mitigation: If high levels of radon are detected, our experts can recommend and implement effective mitigation solutions to reduce radon levels, ensuring the safety of your tenants.

Landlord Responsibilities

  • Testing Before Leasing: Landlords must conduct a radon test within three years prior to leasing a unit. The test results must show that radon levels are below the EPA’s action level of 4 pCi/L.
  • Disclosure to Tenants: At the time of lease signing, landlords must provide tenants with a copy of the radon test results and an EPA pamphlet on radon risks.
  • Mitigation Obligations: If radon levels exceed the action level, landlords must take corrective actions to mitigate radon levels within 90 days and provide follow-up test results to the tenant.

Services for Existing Tenants

  • Tenant-initiated Testing: Existing tenants can conduct their own radon tests. If high levels are found, landlords must confirm the results with a professional test and take necessary mitigation steps.
  • Lease Termination Rights: If a landlord fails to mitigate high radon levels, tenants have the right to terminate their lease without financial penalties.

Why Choose Alfa Air Agency?

  • Expertise and Certification: Our team consists of certified radon professionals with extensive experience in radon testing and mitigation.
  • Reliable and Prompt Service: We understand the importance of timely testing and reporting, especially with regulatory deadlines. We ensure our services are both prompt and thorough.
  • Commitment to Safety: Our top priority is the safety of your tenants. We provide comprehensive solutions to ensure your property is free from the dangers of radon.

Ensure your rental property is safe and compliant with Alfa Air Agency’s radon testing services. Contact us today to schedule a radon test and protect your tenants from the risks of radon exposure.

For more information, Schedule appointment Online or call us at 240-224-0577


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Copyright©2018-2023 Alfa Air Agency,LLC | All rights reserved| 200 Wisconsin ave, Ste 1012, Bethesda MD 20814| tel:240-224-0577